On 11 December, Wychavon
held their first Community Recognition awards, (a development from the original
Sports Recognition Awards) at the Civic Centre, Pershore. The awards celebrate
and acknowledge the volunteers, community and club leaders, community projects,
coaches, athletes and artists who have made such an outstanding contribution to
their society, club or community.
The awards are split into
seven different categories and nominations are taken from the town and parish
councils, in all 42 nominations were received. Chairman, Cllr Gerry O’Donnell
and Cllr Richard Morris were on hand to present the awards, in the shape of a
certificate and glass trophy and to congratulate the eight winners in the seven
Cllr Richard Morris,
Executive Board member for community, leisure and culture said “It was a
pleasure to celebrate and recognise those who have contributed so much to
Wychavon. The high number of nominations received for the awards, shows how many
wonderful and dedicated people live in the district.”
The winners are:
Volunteer Award- Beth Morgan.
leads a very busy life with many responsibilities for such a young girl. As
well as studying for her GCSEs, Beth also juggles a part time job whilst
remaining committed to the Beaver’s group she co-runs. Beth has been involved
with the Beavers for over a year now. Affectionately known to the group as
“Betty”, she is loved and appreciated by all of the Beaver members. She has
demonstrated her commitment to the group throughout her time there so far. She
rarely misses a week and has previously taken on the responsibilities of
organising activities for the children.
the time Beth has volunteered with the Beavers she has demonstrated some excellent
skills and qualities. She has proven to be level headed, a good organiser, a
calm and responsible attitude and commitment to the group.
Volunteer Award- Elizabeth Mustard.
known by most as Beth, is a wonderful example of a young lady involved with her
local community, dedicated to helping others. Beth is a member of the local
Explorer Scout Group. She is very involved in fundraising and has helped out
with cake sales, tombola’s and bag packing at local supermarkets. In her school
community Beth is a very active student. She helps in the library on a daily
basis and co-runs the Christian society. She volunteers to help out at the Open
Evenings and has also participated in Vertical Tutoring, a scheme run to help
new students settle into the High School.
She suffers from right side
hemiplegia but refuses to let this hold her back in any way. Always willing to
help and with a smile on her face, Beth is a real role model and inspiring
young lady.
Award- Rose Woolf.
has had a difficult year but throughout this time has selflessly volunteered
and given up her time to create a knitting group at a Rooftop Housing Older
Persons Scheme in Evesham. The group has successfully reduced isolation amongst
the older local community, helping to create many new friendships and giving
something for those living alone to enjoy. The group has not only enriched the
lives of those attending, but some of the most vulnerable in the community.
Rose has lead the group members to knit items for premature babies, teddies for
tragedies for children campaign, and has also knitted several items for
fundraisers on various campaigns. Rose’s involvement with the group does not
stop after the sessions are finished. She has befriended many members and accompanied
them to hospital appointments. With Rose’s help and kindness all have started
to build their confidence and become more involved in the community with
fundraising and various activities. Rose is a perfect example of those in the
community who enrich people’s lives so selflessly and for no personal gain. Her
actions have touched so many lives.
Recognition Award- Jane Hordern.
was made the 2013 Chairman of Pershore Arts. With her leadership the group has
been turned around. As a result of Jane’s commitment and dedication, Pershore
Arts now provides local artists, photographers and craftspeople an opportunity
to meet friendly, like-minded people and to attend talks, demonstrations and
workshops. She has involved all in the group and projects initiated by her,
have been enjoyed by all in the community. Her leadership has been
characterised by enthusiasm and imagination, and an openness to other people's
input and ideas. She has tackled problems with optimism and a sense of humour,
and remained professional in the face of adversity.
Hero Award- Thomas Ewins.
has been teaching and coaching young people for the past 30 years. He is
incredibly dedicated to Droitwich Spa Judo, running numerous classes a week,
taking on the role as a committee member, attending all meetings and also
referring for the sport. He not only motivates children, but has recently
started a senior’s class, inspiring all ages to get fit. His club has created
many friendships amongst those in society who need it the most, the young and
the elderly. Tom’s work with the Droitwich Spa Judo club has improved so many
children’s lives. Parent’s spoke of the confidence he has instilled in their
children, motivating them to improve and enter competitions and strive for the
best. He teaches the children in his class how we should all be in life,
unselfish and willing to help others. Tom expects nothing in return for his
work and welcomes all into the club.
Project Award- imaGine Evesham.
has been set up by Transition Evesham Vale to provide a community meeting place
in the heart of Evesham. Based in the former 'Homestyle' shop in the Market
Square, it is already providing a shop window for local events and community
organisations. Established as an experiment in communication and public
engagement it already has an exciting range of attractions. It is a project
that offers something for all. Current events include fortnightly talks,
educational film showings, exhibitions that have showcased over 50 artists,
musical events and much more. The volunteers include young people not yet in
work, some with challenges, some needing to build confidence and experience,
and others from different walks of life who wish to give something back to
their community. Together they have given more than 2000 hours of voluntary
time, energy and enthusiasm to make imaGine a success.
Group Award- Friends of Avon Meadows.
group has volunteered over 400 hours in the last year, in all weather
conditions. They have helped the community find out more about the local
wildlife and share their knowledge and findings. Throughout the year, the
Friends of Avon Meadows monitor the wetlands’ wildlife, from bird counts to
butterfly and dragonfly monitoring, helping to build up knowledge of the
wetland wildlife. A great deal goes on behind the scenes with admin work,
website management and taking care of tools and machinery. The Friends are an
excellent example of local people making a difference in their local community,
taking on a challenge and tackling it with gusto.
Lifetime Achievement Award- Chris
founded the Droitwich Boxing Academy 36 years ago and throughout this time has
remained committed and focused on helping individuals through it. Chris Andrews
has dedicated much of his life to improving the lives of young people. Over 30
years of service he has coached many young people and his creation of the
boxing club has helped countless local youths. The club caters for those who
have been excluded from school or who have come to the attention of the police,
social services or Youth Offending Teams.
In his work, particularly with young people, Mr Andrews places great
emphasis in teaching the skills of boxing. Boxing training not only keeps them
gainfully occupied, it also improves their physical fitness and enhances their
self-esteem, as well as helping youngsters adapt to a disciplined environment.
Chris’ hard work and dedication has been noticed by many, being awarded various
bursaries for the club’s work over recent years. He recently instigated work
for the club to be awarded £200,000 funding for a new facility. Chris’
involvement with the community doesn’t stop at the boxing club, his wider
interest in the voluntary sector has helped many. He has sat on many boards
including the Droitwich Spa Rotary and The Droitwich Volunteer Centre. Chris
was involved with the creation of the centre in 1984, helped to secure the
building and has been the Chairman for 6 years. Carol Pratt from the CVS
praised Chris and said that over the years Chris’ involvement has helped the
CVS achieve so much.
Chris’ work, so many young people in Droitwich have benefited and been given a
chance to change. He has helped to focus and turn around so many lives and is
spoken of highly in the community. His determination and devotion has seen the
Droitwich Boxing Amateur Club grow and help many young individuals. His time as
a social worker and involvement in the CVS has benefited many and he is the
perfect example of a resident selflessly dedicating their life to help others.
evening was a great success and the team would like to thank and congratulate
all of the winners of the 2013 Community Recognition Awards for attending.