Friday, 30 November 2012

Become A Sports Maker

This Year Anyone Can Be A Sporting Hero

Whether it’s planning the route, finding the pitch or encouraging people to take part – sport doesn’t just happen, it needs people to make it happen. Become one of 40,000 Sport Makers aged 16+ and you’ll not only get the skills, knowledge and opportunities you need to get more people playing sport, you’ll become part of the official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic sports legacy.

People all over the UK are now being encouraged to take steps towards becoming a Sports Maker.  This means partaking in ten or more hours of volunteering towards making sport happen.    Visit to find out more and to sign up as a Sports Maker in your local area.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Wychavon at the County Sports Awards

On 14th November 2012 the Sports Partnership Herefordshire and Worcestershire held their annual Sports Awards event. The evening welcomed guests from both local sports groups and supporting organisations to celebrate local talent and achievements. We must once again congratulate the Wychavon Finalists:

Emma Gooderham nominated for Senior Female Sports Person of the Year

Tazmin Pugh for Junior Female Sports Person of the Year

Pershore Women's Touch Rugby Club for Club of the Year

Abi Penrose for Volunteer of the Year

Mike Goode for the Olympic Inspired Award

Two of the finalists from Wychavon went on to win their categories. Well done to both on their outstanding achievements this year:

Edward Higson - Winner of Junior Male Sports Person of the Year

Dennis Hodgkins - Winner of Volunteer of the Year

We can now all look forward to the BBC Sports Personality Awards. For more information visit their site at

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Wychavon Sports Club Survey

Sports Club Survey

Looking to upgrade facilities and expand sporting provision within your Wychavon Sports Club? We may be able to help. Telling us about your clubs plans for the future allows us to better respond if resources and funding become available.

Click this link to access the form: Sports Club Survey

We really urge you to complete the form, in as little or as much detail as you can.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Talk Drink!

This is a great opportunity to have your say and be heard
Let us know what you think about alcohol problems.

What should we be doing to tackle alcohol problems in Worcestershire?
 Have your say at #worcstalkdrink .

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

ArtWorks - The Arts Newsletter from Wychavon Community Development

There are lots of exciting upcoming projects within the arts, click
the link below to find out about arts within your community.

Visit our site for more about the team and more opportunities to get

 Is there anything you are looking forward to?  Do you have any
 further questions about the news featured?  Feel free to comment and
 let us know what you think or email .

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Youth Matters November 2012


                              Youth Matters
E-News from the Wychavon Community Development Team


This newsletter contains plenty of opportunities and information for
the youth of Wychavon.  Catch up on the activities that have been
run this summer and find out the latest opportunities to get involved
in sports and arts.  Also check out the possible ways that your Big
Ideas can be funded.

Friday, 2 November 2012

The November 2012 Sport e-News has arrived!

The past months have been extremely eventful for the Community
Development Team at Wychavon District Council in light of the
Olympics and throughout the summer months. Click the link below
to find out what the team has been up to within your community.

Like what you read? The newsletter is just an overview of our
activity. Visit our site for more detail, more pictures and more fun!

Remember that the way our newsletters work has recently changed.
The newsletters are to be sent out quarterly, being coupled with
short e-bulletins to send out important news between publications.

We are still keen to hear about your stories and successes, with a
possibility of the information going out as an e-bulletin to all our
subscribers. If you have any information you want us to know about
 please email across the details to: